
MEV Bot versions




1.5 ETH



Profit Calculator

Enter your estimated ETH bot balance to see the potential profit for each bot version over 24 hours.


Sandwich MEV Bot: 0 ETH
Arbitrage MEV Bot: 0 ETH
Sandwich and Arbitrage MEV BOT: 0 ETH

Purchase guide : ​

  1. Select Your Bot Version: Select the version of the bot (Sandwich Bot, Arbitrage Bot , or the Sandwich & Arbitrage bot )
  2.  Make the Payment: Follow the payment instructions on the website. Ensure you enter your correct email address during the purchase process.
  3. Check Your Email: After completing the payment, you will receive an email containing the following items:
    Activation Code: XXXX-XXXX-XXXX
    Link to our private group on Telegram.
    Full Video Tutorial explaining:
     – Installation of the bot on your computer and activating it.
    – Connecting your wallet with the MEV bot.
    – Deploying the MEV Bot contract on the Ethereum blockchain.
    – Explaining all the settings.
    – Running the bot.

5. Follow the Video Tutorial: Use the provided video tutorial to install, set up, and run your bot.

6. Join Our Community: Use the link provided in the email to join our private Telegram group for additional support and updates.

7. Contact Us if Needed: If you do not receive an email within 30 minutes, please contact us at Support@FrontRunningBot.net or on Telegram: @Max_Frb.

Make sure to enter the correct email address to ensure you receive all the necessary information and files.

© FrontRunningBot 2025. All Rights Reserved.

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